Our SDG Aligned Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty
Our Community Enterprise Solution component empowers communities with innovative tools to address challenges that affect them, create wealth and civic responsibilities. We promote employment opportunities by advocating for social services that reduce poverty, skills development and employment opportunities in marginalized communities

GOAL 4: Quality Education
Education is both the means and tools for poverty reduction, and we through two signa-true programmes:
1. Edu-Africa – provide access to education through sponsoring young people to get professional teacher education and nursing education.
2. Promoting Progressive and Experiential Learning – We work with partner schools in Africa to encourage experiential learning and humane teaching and learning practices. We work with 10 key principles
- A. Experiential/activity-based learning
- B. Pedagogy of play – playful learning
- C. Green schools – climate change into learning
- D. Respect the right of children – zero tolerance for beating in schools
- E. Teacher-pupil-parent meetings
- F. Local language as primary teaching language
- G. Committed to SDGs
- G. Collegial/team teaching approach
- H. Formative assessment practices
- I. STEM1

Goal 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
We work with international organisations, diplomatic missions and CSOs in Scandinavia to raise concerns of injustices in Africa and to build stronger institutions that promote accountability, transparency, and social justice. We give voice to the voiceless through institutional capacity building and freedom of expression.

Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals
We do not implement projects directly in Africa, but we work with partners in the regional blocks in Africa. We have core partners and subsidiary partners. We currently have a core partner in West Africa in Ghana and exploring subsidiary partners in the region. We are also in the process of identifying a core partner in east Africa. We also partner with private, public, and academic institutions in Scandinavia and Africa to achieve our goals. We are inspired by the Quadruple Helix Model
What our Partners & Beneficiary Say
Contact Us
Hoeager 134,
DK-7300 Jelling, Denmark. - info@afri-can.dk
- +4550659602
About AfriCAN
- Who We Are
- Our History
- Our Team
- Our Projects